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Apa yang ada di benak Anda ketika mendengar kata ‘2020’? Ya, mungkin kita semua memiliki pemikiran yang sama tentang tahun yang ‘spesial’ itu. Pandemi Covid-19 membuat kita tak lagi bisa menjalankan kebiasaan hidup yang lama. Suka tidak suka, mau tidak mau, kita pun harus cepat beradaptasi dengan kebiasaan hidup yang baru. Tidak hanya dari kebiasaan dari sisi kesehatan, tetapi juga kebiasaan bekerja bagi kita yang selama ini bekerja di kantor.

Peraturan pemerintah yang mewajibkan perkantoran menerapkan Work from Home (WFH) bagi karyawannya di awal pandemi mungkin membuat kebanyakan orang kaget dan tidak siap. Meskipun sudah satu tahun berlalu dan WFH tidak lagi menjadi hal yang baru, mungkin beberapa dari kita masih ada yang gagap dengan etika berkomunikasi saat konferensi/rapat video melalui aplikasi WhatsApp, Zoom, dsb .

Berikut, kami rangkum beberapa etika berkomunikasi saat konferensi/rapat video seperti yang dilansir dari

  • Tetap menggunakan baju kerja

Sebelum mulai, pastikan untuk menggunakan baju selayaknya kita sedang bekerja di kantor.

  • Menggunakan mode tanpa video dan tanpa suara jika sebagai peserta

Apabila kita hanya bertindak sebagai peserta, lebih baik untuk menggunakan mode tanpa video dan tanpa suara untuk menjaga fokus konferensi/rapat.

  • Melambaikan tangan bila ingin bertanya

Jika ada yang kurang jelas atau ingin ditanyakan, kita bisa melambaikan tangan untuk memberikan tanda dan menyampaikannya saat sudah diberi kesempatan untuk berbicara.

  • Berdiskusi melalui Chat Box

Jika ada yang ingin didiskusikan tanpa mengganggu jalannya konferensi/rapat, kita bisa menggunakan Chat Box.

Demikian beberapa etika yang bisa kita terapkan agar konferensi/rapat video saat WFH berjalan dengan lancar dan materi yang didiskusikan bisa tersampaikan dengan baik. Semoga bermanfaat!

This image was taken from Flickr

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati announced that the government will increase cigarette excise tariffs by 12.5% on average from February 2021, based on several aspects and considerations. She explained that excise on SPM (Machine-Made White Cigarettes) for SPM Tier 1 will increase 18.4% to Rp 935 each, SPM IIA will increase 16.5% to Rp 565 each, and SPM IIIB will increase 18.1% to Rp 555 each. There will also be a SKM (machine-made kretek cigarettes) Tier I increase of 16.9% to Rp 865 each, SKM Tier IIA increase of 13.8% to Rp 535 each, and SKM IIIB increase of 15.4% to Rp 525 each.

Sri Mulyani explained that the increase was decided by the average production volume for each tier. She explained that the SKT segment will not see any increase because this segment absorbs the most manpower. She added that after the increase, the estimated cigarette production growth for SKM and SPM will decrease by around 3.2 percent or 288 billion cigarettes. Furthermore, the government expects the prevalence of child smokers to fall 1.26 percent, from 33.8 percent in 2020 to 32.2 percent in 2021.

Source:, Jan 27, 2021:

The image was taken from Wikimedia

The Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry (ESDM) has stated that national fuel oil consumption this year is projected to be 75.27 million kiloliters (kl) to include the national consumption of diesel fuel, kerosene, and fuel oil. The government will provide 26.3 million kl of subsidized fuel oil.

Last year’s national fuel oil consumption was only 63.96 million kl, consisting of 14.39 million kl of kerosene and diesel fuel, 8.44 million kl of subsidized Pertamina Premium fuel oil, and 41.13 million kl of non-subsidized fuel oil. This figure excludes the consumption of biodiesel or Fatty Acid Methyl Esters (FAME) of 8.45 million kl. 


Source:, January 18, 2021:

This image was taken from Wikimedia

The government is determined to improve the investment climate in the country’s upstream oil and gas sector in a bid to entice fresh investment and boost production. Director General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Tutuka Ariadji said that the various incentives prepared by the government are expected to help bolster the upstream investment climate. Tutuka said the government is very eager to establish a better oil and gas investment climate and has prepared various kinds of incentives expected to meet the needs of investors.

These incentives include investment credit, accelerated depreciation, attractive tax facilities, value added tax exemption, and a streamlined licensing process. Tutuka also said that the government is open to stakeholders participating in discussing regulations to improve the results, while adding that all these efforts aim to find a win-win solution so that the oil and gas contractors can “invest comfortably” in the country.

He also said that opening up oil and gas data through a membership system is also expected to help accelerate investment in the upstream sector. The government and upstream oil and gas authority SKK Migas have set an ambitious target for the country’s oil and gas production to jump to 1 million bopd and gas output to 12 bscfd by 2030.

The image was taken from Wikipedia

The Malioboro area of Yogyakarta City is officially designated a No Cigarette Area (KTR), in accordance with Regional KTR Regulation 2/2017. Yogyakarta Deputy Mayor Heroe Poerwadi said that due to the pandemic, inauguration of the Malioboro KTR was delayed until Thursday (11/12), from March. They also provided four designated smoking areas in the Abu Bakar Ali parking area, in front of Malioboro Mall, on the north side of Ramayana, and on the third floor of Beringharjo Market.

Smokers who violate the KTR rules can be subject to sanctions in the form of maximum imprisonment of one month and a maximum fine of Rp7.5 million. Heroe hoped the implementation of KTR at Malioboro could be used as a reference for other tourist attractions implementing KTR.

Head of the Malioboro Task Implementing Unit (UPT), Ekwanto hoped that the number of people who damage the KTR facilities that have been provided will decrease, as many smokers had used the drinking water faucet facilities as cigarette ashtrays. Head of the DIY Tourism Office, Singgih Raharjo, also confirmed that many tourists discard their cigarette butts carelessly. He added that initially, KTR were implemented to accommodate all tourists visiting the Malioboro area, both smokers and non-smokers. But over time, the goal of implementing KTR has grown to help reduce the spread of COVID-19.

The photo was taken from Wikimedia

The establishment of the tobacco products industrial park (KIHT) received appreciation from local governments of several regions in Indonesia. The KIHT aims to improve the industrial sector while reducing the number of illegal cigarettes in circulation.

Regional Secretary of Jepara Regency, Edy Sujatmiko, welcomed the KIHT program and hoped it could suppress illegal cigarette production in Jepara. As of October 2, Customs and Excise have carried out 41 enforcement measures in Jepara Regency and confiscated more than 5 million cigarettes with potential state losses of Rp3.4 billion.

Central Java and Yogya Customs and Excise Office Head, Padmoyo Tri Wikanto said that the KIHT was an urgent alternative solution to be established immediately in Jepara. The plan to implement a KIHT in Madura by the East Java I and Madura Customs & Excise also received support from the local governments of four districts throughout Madura. Head of the Madura Customs Office, Yanuar Calliandra, said the planned KIHT must be supported by all parties.

The image was taken from Wikimedia

The COVID-19 pandemic has further reduced the total investment in the oil and gas industry in the country, which has been declining for the last few years. The pandemic has also made the future of investment even more bleak, since there are no indications of when it will end. The uncertainty over the COVID-19 situation has compelled investors to withhold their money and assume a wait-and-see position. The upstream oil and gas regulatory agency SKK Migas revealed that, up until September 2020, total investment in the industry had only reached 63.33% of the total target set by the government. That percentage is equal to US$ 7.03 billion out of the target of US$ 11.1 billion. Previously, SKK Migas expected the total investment to reach US$ 13.83 billion. The agency had to reduce that target, following the faltering international oil prices and emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic. SKK Migas said that there are no plans to revise the present targets at present.

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Perlahan namun pasti, bisnis otomotif di Tanah Air mulai menunjukkan geliat peningkatan setelah dihantam pandemi COVID-19 sejak Maret lalu. Melemahnya daya beli masyarakat dan pengurangan aktivitas pabrik, di antaranya, menjadi faktor yang memengaruhi penjualan kendaraan bermotor saat ini. Kementerian Perindustrian pun berusaha terus mendorong kinerja industri otomotif agar kembali bisa memberi kontribusi signifikan terhadap perekonomian nasional.

Dilansir dari (20/9), Menteri Perindustrian Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita menekankan bahwa pihaknya optimistis kinerja industri otomotif berkembang positif pada semester II tahun ini. Berdasarkan data Gabungan Industri Kendaraan Bermotor Indonesia (Gaikindo), penjualan wholesales (distribusi dari Agen Pemegang Merek (APM) ke dealer) pada Agustus 2020 tercatat 37.277 unit, naik 47% dibandingkan penjualan Juli 2020 yang mencapai 25.283 unit.

Selain pemberlakuan PSBB transisi, tren digital marketing yang diterapkan para APM turut menggenjot peningkatan penjualan otomotif pada paruh kedua tahun ini. Dalam keterangannya di laman (7/9), Kepala Divisi Marketing & CR Divisi PT Astra International – Daihatsu, Hendrayadi Lastiyoso mengatakan tren digital marketing terus meningkat sejak pertama kali diterapkan pada Mei 2020. Melalui pemasaran di akun media sosial para sales dan acara virtual showroom, para APM berhasil menjaring calon konsumen dan mendapatkan surat pemesanan kendaraan (SPK).

Para APM juga mulai merambah e-commerce sebagai salah satu jalur pemasaran, seperti PT Krama Yudha Tiga Berlian Motors (KTB) yang meluncurkan Mitsubishi Fuso Official Store di platform marketplace Tokopedia.

Ilustrasi diambil dari

Seperti yang sudah kita ketahui bersama, Pemerintah Provinsi DKI Jakarta kembali memberlakukan PSBB untuk wilayahnya terhitung 14 September 2020. Pengetatan kembali PSBB ini tak pelak diprediksi akan kembali memukul sejumlah sektor perekonomian, termasuk sektor properti,  yang baru saja kembali bergeliat setelah 3 bulan pemberlakuan masa PSBB transisi.

Dikutip dari (13/9), Ketua KADIN Bidang Properti Hendro S Gondokusumo berpendapat jika PSBB kedua dilakukan, sektor properti akan kembali mengalami penurunan hingga 70 persen seperti yang terjadi di masa PSBB pertama. Padahal sektor ini baru saja sedikit mengalami peningkatan 40 persen hingga 50 persen pada masa PSBB transisi.

Tutupnya kegiatan ekonomi sejumlah sektor non-esensial pun berdampak pada menyusutnya penyewaan kantor yang sudah dirasakan para pemilik gedung sejak PSBB pertama pada April lalu. Sejumlah pusat perbelanjaan bahkan mati suri. Geliat ekonomi mulai terlihat pada awal Juli ketika pengunjung mulai berdatangan, meskipun baru sepertiga dari jumlah yang biasa datang di kala tidak ada pandemi.

Kondisi ini pun akhirnya membuat para pebisnis properti memutar otak untuk menyelamatkan bisnisnya. Aneka promosi ditebar untuk memikat konsumen, seperti Sinar mas Land yang memberi diskon 10 persen hingga 25 persen dan bonus Rp50-300 juta, seperti yang dikutip oleh (14/9). Meski kondisi pasar melambat, ada beberapa proyek properti yang sukses, salah satunya karena didorong permintaan dan produk yang ditawarkan cocok dengan kalangan menengah.

Di tengah perekonomian yang kian terhimpit, resesi ekonomi jelas akan sangat berpengaruh pada sektor properti.  Senior Associate Director Colliers International Indonesia Ferry Salanto, sebagaimana dikutip dari (25/9), mengatakan jika resesi ekonomi terjadi, industri properti akan semakin sulit untuk bisa bangkit kembali (rebound) ke posisi semula.

The image was taken from

DGCE Director General Heru Pambudi confirmed that the government will announce policies related to the cigarette excise (CHT) tariffs increase in 2021 at the end of September or early October.

Heru refused to provide an overview of the formulation for the increase, however, he did say the increase is usually calculated from the inflation target and projected economic growth for next year. “If next year’s economic growth is 5 percent and inflation is at 3 percent, the CHT rate increase should be above 8 percent. The Fiscal Policy Agency (BKF) will determine it,” he said.

Previously, DGCE Director of Technical and Excise Facilities, Nirwala Dwi Heryanto, stated that the government was also considering the pandemic situation that had reduced cigarette consumption. DGCE data until August 2020 shows that cigarette excise revenue makes up the largest portion of excise revenue, and until August 31, had contributed Rp94.39 trillion representing growth of 6.09 percent.
